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Most of the public and a lot of the private schools in our country do not think that they need a brand identity or branding. They feel that the old dated logo that was either scoured off the internet or was created by one of the students years ago is enough because no one really bothers to ask them about their logo.

While this may have been the norm, the situation is changing rapidly. Competition for school funding means that schools have to work harder to improve their perceived image as well as match the expectations of parents and students who are exposed to beautiful branding and visuals all day long.

Here are the 5 main reasons every school needs a robust brand identity:

high school mascot logo female version


A consistent brand identity lifts the perception of the school not only in the eyes of its students but also in the whole community. When a school has a robust and consistent brand identity, students would love to be associated with the school and would be proud to wear the school colors. Studies show this translates into better performance both in athletics as well as academics.

Here is an example of a school brand identity that we created for Simi Valley High School where the primary logo, the mascot, and other extensions are consistent.

school district logo school mascot design


Attracting students as well as staff becomes more effective. Getting into the right school has become a great competition with parents and their kids scrambling to decipher the various options they have. Your branding should form part of the pitch to attract the kind of students as well as staff that would make your school a better place.

Here is an example of a school identity that we created for the Avon Grove School District that is very attractive and beautiful!



It builds trust when a school has consistent branding and looks like it takes care of itself and its image. This trust would translate into potential increases in funding, sponsorships, and grants. A school with a shoddy brand identity, a clip art logo pulled off the internet and no pride in their school image would find it hard to stand up and attract attention when funding is at stake.

Here is an example of a brilliant-looking school mascot logo that exudes trust in the image.

braves high school mascot logo


It shows that the school is in touch with the modern world. Having a 20-year-old clip art logo image that probably infringes on a copyright or using different versions of the school mascot or logo at various touch points all hint that the school is living in the past. This unfairly then reflects on the academic power of the school – even if the school does a stellar job with imparting education.

Here is an example of a modern-looking school logo and identity that still respects the legacy and history of the school identity.

north central michigan college mascot design


It sets your school apart distinctively which creates a sense of pride in the students and the community. Being distinct goes beyond just looking different or capturing attention. It is about communicating your essence effectively and clearly. What is your school about? How are you different? Why should parents and students care about your school?

Here is an example of a school identity that looks different and catches your attention om a positive way!

But why should you care if no one at your school is worried about the image of the branding?

I think a lack of awareness is no excuse to have a poor identity. Your logo, the school mascot, and your school branding communicate your school’s values, beliefs, and message clearly.

Your identity reflects and broadcasts your school’s brand promise clearly.